#1 Not Getting A Bikini Wax
Keep it groomed ladies. No guy wants to have to hack through a forest just to get to your pot of gold.
#2 Having Sex In The Dark
Men are visual creatures. If you really want to turn him on, turn on the lights, or at least light a candle.
#3 Leaving Birth Control Up To Him
Leaving it up to the guy to bring the condoms, is like asking a penguin to remember snow boots. It's just not in his nature. Have a supply of your own
#4 Assuming Sex Means Love
Great sex does not mean long lasting love. Spend time with him before taking the plunge.
#5 Not Shaving Your Legs
Hairy legs are a turn off. Keep them smooth and silky.
Men are not machines. They cannot get instantly aroused on command and maintain it for as long as you like. Have some compassion.
#7 Laying There Like A Dead Flounder
Don't just lay there and let him do all the work. No matter how great you look, you need to make some moves.
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