Saturday, May 28, 2016

China ready to send nuclear-powered submarines into Pacific Ocean

4:17:00 AM

Beijing has decided to send nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarines into the Pacific Ocean in view of the expansion of the missile defence system of the United States, the Guardian reported. The Chinese military has confirmed the patrol, which is said to be the first, but the timing remains unconfirmed.
However, the Pentagon's annual report on Chinese military developments, dated May 18, said: "China will probably conduct its first SSBN nuclear deterrence patrol sometime in 2016.
The U.S.-developed hypersonic glide missiles capable of hitting China within an hour of the launch and the deployment of Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) in South Korea are the reasons for starting a patrol, the Chinese military said, adding that these were huge threats to China.
However, the Chinese government under the leadership of President Xi Jinping has reiterated that the country would not be the first to use the nuclear weapons, which is being developed only as a deterrent.

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